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Since the release of Laravel 8 and Jetstream, the package laravel/ui fall in some kind of deprecated status.

The problem with Jetstream (and i think many of us feel the same) is that we just want the auth scaffolding without the need of Inertia.js or Livewire stacks.

Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern and based on Symfony.Some of the features of Laravel are a modular packaging system with a dedicated dependency manager, different ways for accessing relational databases, utilities that aid in. PHP/Laravel Developer Senior Software Developer View more Jobs Post a Job. Laravel News Partners. Latest Laravel News View all news. Oct 15, 2020 Enlighten Your APIs With Auto-Generated Documentation. Oct 14, 2020 Laravel 8.10 Released. Oct 13, 2020 Laravel schedule:work Command, Valet Lite, and YouTube Q&A.

It's iterative and opinionated. It's open source and contributions are welcome, but in the end Tighten will keep it focused on the way we think folks are best prepared for a career as a Laravel developer. Laravel Development Environment Try for Free. Code Generation. Powerful customizable code generation allows to quickly create every piece of Laravel application and automatically register policy, artisan command, middleware, etc. Video editor enhancer 1 0 35. Eloquent Completion. Full auto-completion of fields and relations in almost every method and function. Alternatively, you may also install Laravel by issuing the Composer create-project command in your terminal: composer create-project -prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog Local Development Server. If you have PHP installed locally and you would like to use PHP's built-in development server to serve your application, you may use the serve Artisan.

Don't get me wrong, i love working with Inertia or Livewire, but sometimes you just need the auth part.

Going back to laravel/ui, it's still possible to use the package on Laravel 8, but i wanna restore that functionality without mentioned package.

In the guide i'm gonna describe all my steps to have a similar behavior using Laravel Fortify.

Project setup

  1. laravel new laravel-fortify-demo
  2. composer require laravel/fortify
  3. php artisan vendor:publish --provider='LaravelFortifyFortifyServiceProvider'
  4. configure your database
  5. php artisan migrate

Setup Fortify

Open config/app.php and register Fortify service provider:

Next, open config/fortify.php and update your features array as follow:

Now we need to tell Fortify where is our auth views.

Open app/Providers/FortifyServiceProvider.php and in the boot method add:

Create the views


We need to create the 4 mentioned blade files:

  • resources/views/auth/forgot-password.blade.php
  • resources/views/auth/login.blade.php
  • resources/views/auth/register.blade.php
  • resources/views/auth/reset-password.blade.php

I 'borrowed' the views from the laravel/ui package; you can grab here

Protect your pages

Now we need to protect our routes, open routes/web.php and use auth middleware, like:

Final words

As you can see, this article covers the basic register, login and password reset functionalities.

Fortify includes an interesting email verify feature; if you're interested you can take a look on the package documentation

Keep in mind that the auth views (including the bundled css and js files) are made for demo purposes only; you will need to take care of the ui.

GitHub repository

If you wanna take a look for the final version, feel free to visit skydiver/laravel-fortify-demo repo.

Laravue is a beautiful dashboard for Laravel inspired by vue-element-admin but beyond that. With the powerful Laravel framework as backend, Laravue appears to be a full-stack solution for an enterprise administrative application.


The project is positioned as an enterprise solution and it's highly recommended to start from scratch. You should start project from simple layout and add components one by one depending on your system. This is to avoid redundant code as this project provides lot of features that you may not use.

  • Laravel package: laravue-core

# Features

# Preparation

Your machine needs to be ready for the latest Laravel and Node.js. Git and composer are required too.

Besides, the project is based on ES2015+, vue, vuex, vue-router, axios and element-ui. Understanding and learning this knowledge in advance will greatly help the use of this project.


This project does not support low-level browsers (such as IE). If you need to, please add polyfills yourself.

# Project Structure

This project has built with following structure.

# Getting Started

Now you can open Laravel at http://localhost:8000. After login with provided email/password, you should be able to see the Laravue dashboard

Login page:

Laravue has already setup for standard components, state management, i18n, global router, linter,.. You can continue exploring other documents for more details on those topics.


Suggestion: You should try laravue-core package if you want to integrate Laravue to your current Laravel projects. Laravue itself will be a good guideline for you.

# Build for production

# Change the path

Laravel Dev Server

Laravue can be easily moved to subfolder like /admin or /administrator by changing LARAVUE_PATH in .env file (ex: LARAVUE_PATH=admin). If it's empty, dashboard will be shown as the root folder, else the Laravel default landing page will show instead and it will have a link to go to Laravue dashboard:

Laravel Development


Changing .env requires running npm run .. again to be affected.

# Analyze the build file size

If your build file is large, you can optimize your code by building and analyzing the size distribution of dependent modules using the webpack-bundle-analyzer.

After running you can see the specific size distribution at (it will automatically open).

With current demo, the minified sizes are:

After compress with nginx:

# Docker

Run database migration and seed within Docker container

npm commands are also support inside docker container:

Laravue can be accessed from http://localhost:8000. Please make sure that port is available or you have to change it on https://github.com/tuandm/laravue/blob/master/docker-compose.yml

Laravel developer jobs

# Contribution

The repository of documentation is laravue-doc based on vuepress development.

There will be many errors related to spelling or translation from original project. It is welcome to point out by issue or PR. My English is not too good.

This project is still on development to provide more and more awesome features, integrate with high-quality Laravel packages and apply the best practices of development to build an enterprise solution for back office. We are looking forward to your contribution and feedback.

# Browsers Support

Modern browsers and Internet Explorer 10+.

IE / Edge



IE10, IE11, Edgelast 2 versionslast 2 versionslast 2 versions

Laravel Dev
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